The Tools menu is almost like an actual tool chest that contains lots of different, useful tools.
Let's break these tools down a bit:
- Audits: Displays a history of any audits that were completed using the mobile application.
- Barcode Generator: Displays a listing of templates created for printing barcodes or QR labels. This page allows you to generate, edit, delete, print, and reprint labels.
- Dashboards: The dashboard displays user defined charts.
- Predefined Forms: This page contains templates (that you create) that extract information about selected assets. These templates are then merged with a Microsoft Word document and allow you to create, edit, delete, and merge data.
- Reports: This page contains printable reports that are defined by none other than, you! This feature allows you to create, edit, delete, preview and automate reports.
- Attachments:
- Images: Displays photos that you have added to your Asset Panda photo library.
- Voice Notes: Displays recordings that you have added to Asset Panda’s recording library.
- Videos: Displays videos that you have added to Asset Panda’s video library.
- Documents: Displays a list of documents that you have added to Asset Panda’s document library.