Create or Modify Actions

Ready, set....action! Okay, so it's not that kind of action we're here to discuss. We are here to discuss Asset Panda actions and how they help make both your job and life much easier. 


Let's first talk about where to find your actions.

Navigate actions

Actions are used to create and track activity histories on individual Group Records.  For instance, you wish to check out an asset to an employee. You would do that through a check out action type. 


Complete the following steps to navigate to your actions. 


1. Click to select your settings  icon, and then select Group Settings.



2. For each Group name there is an Action link that navigates to the group’s action listing.  Click the Actions link from the appropriate group.



Your list of actions is displayed. Some of these actions are already predefined for you and ready to use right out of the box (should you choose to accept the assignment), while others can be modified or deleted.


Create a new action

1. From the Actions page, click Add New.



2. Use the Action Type drop-down menu to choose Standard Actions or Date Driven Actions, and then proceed to About Fields.


Modify an existing action

You will find that some actions are already predefined and/or previously created you or another admin. You can edit or delete any of these by clicking the Edit or Delete links. 




Complete the same steps as those listed within the Create a New Action section above. The only exception is the Action Type field as it cannot be modified from within an existing action.



Related Topics

About Fields

Date Driven Actions

Standard Actions