Unique Identifiers

In Asset Panda, using Unique Identifiers for your records is both helpful and important when telling records apart from one another.


Below, you'll see three records that belong within the Instruments category. We can also see which building they belong to as well as their status.

The Serial Number here would be an example of a unique identifier that tells each record apart from one another. This way even though all three records are instruments and belong to Building 1 they are still seen as separate records and, they can be checked out accordingly.



The same idea can be applied to an Employees group. If a company has many people, with the same or similar names, a unique identifier field can be used to tell each employee apart. This field usually takes the form of an Employee ID# or Badge #.


If a Fleet Group had 3 vehicles with the same year, make, and model, it could be very helpful to have a field for the VIN or license plate number as a unique identifier.